The Battle of the Atlantic, september 1939-may 1943
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1948Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.1 - CONSULTA] (2).
Coral Sea, Midway and submarine actions. May 1942-August 1942
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1949Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.4 - CONSULTA] (1).
The rising sun in the Pacific, 1931-april 1942
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1948Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.3 - CONSULTA] (2).
The liberation of the Phlippines 1944-1945
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1959Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.13 - CONSULTA] (1).
New Guinea and the Marianas. March 1944-August 1944
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1953Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.8 - CONSULTA] (1).
The Atlantic Baúttle Won
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1956Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.10] (1).
Sicily-Salerno-Anzio. January 1943- June 1944
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1954Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.9 - CONSULTA] (2).
The Invasion of France and Germany
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1957Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.11 - CONSULTA] (1).
Leyte, june 1944-january 1945
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1958Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.12 - CONSULTA] (1).
Operaútions in North African waúters
by Morison, Samuel Eliot. Publisher: Boston Atlantic Little, Brown 1947Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 861-Vol.2 - CONSULTA] (1).