Influencia del poder naval en la historia 1660-1783
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: Buenos Aires : Escuela de Guerra Naval, 1935Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval (4).
Estrategia Naval : Comparada y contrastada con los principios y practica de las operaciones militares terrestres
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Edition: 1a ed. Publisher: Buenos Aires : Escuela de Guerra Naval, 1935Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: Tomo I] (5). Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 359(08) M 214es Tomo I EJ.2] (2).
Influencia del poder naval en la historia 1660-1783
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: Madrid : El Ferrol, 1901Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 214inf - 1901 CONSULTA] (1).
Influence de la Puissance Maritime dans lhistorie = Influencia de la Potencia Marítima en la historia
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: Paris : Societ Francaise detiones dart, s.fAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 214in] (1).
The influence of sea power upon history = La influencia del poder marítimo sobre la historia
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Edition: 3a. ed. Publisher: London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington 1889Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 214the] (1).
Sea power in its relations to the war of 1812 / Alfred Thayer Mahan
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: London : Sampson Low Marston, 1905Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49- M 214 Tomo II] (2).
The life of Nelson : the embodiment of the sea power of Great Britain = La vida de Nelson : la encarnación de la energia de mar de Gran Bretaña
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Edition: 2a. ed. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown, 1918Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 92-NELSON-MAH Tomo II - CONSULTA] (1).
The life Nelson : the embodiment of sea power of Great Britain = La vida de Nelson : la encarnación de la energia de mar de Gran Bretaña
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Edition: 2a. ed. Publisher: Boston : Little, Brown, 1918Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 92-NELSON-MAH I - CONSULTA ] (1).
The influence of sea power upon the French Revolution and empire = La influencia del poder del mar sobre la Revolución Francesa y el imperio
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Edition: 5a. ed. Publisher: London Sampson LowMarstonSearleRivington s.fAvailability: No items available
The influence of sea power upon the French Revolution and the Empire
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Edition: 5a. ed. Publisher: London Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington s.fAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 9(44)-M 214 - CONSULTA] (2).
Lessons of the war whit Spain and other articles / Alfred Thayer Mahan
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: Boston : Little ; Brown, 1918Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 214le 1918] (1).
La guerre Sur Mer et ses lecons / Alfred Thayer Mahan
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: Paris : Berger-Levrault, 1900Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49-M 214la] (1).
The interest of America in sea power present and future = El inters de América en la energa de mar presente y futura
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: London Sampson Low , Marston 1897Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.02-M 214in - CONSULTA] (1).
Retrospect & Prospect : studies in international relations naval and political = Retrospección y perspectiva: estudios en las relaciones internacionales navales y políticas
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: Boston : Little , Brown, 1902Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.02-M 214 - CONSULTA] (1).
Admiral Farragut
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: New York : D. Appleton, 1892Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 92-FARRAGUT-M 214] (1).
Influencia del poder naval en la historia 1660-1783
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer | Escuela de Guerra Naval. Edition: 1a ed. Publisher: Buenos Aires : Escuela de Guerra Naval, 1935Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: Tomo I] (4).
El poder naval = Influencia del poder naval en la historia 1660-1783
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: Buenos Aires: Partenon, 1946Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.49- M 214inf - 1946] (1).