The fleet the gods forgot = La flota que los dioses se olvidaron
by Winslow, W. G. Publisher: Maryland Naval Institute Press 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.48-W 778] (1).
Dictionary of naval abbreviations.
by Wedertz, Bill. Edition: 1970 ed.Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Annapolis : U.S. Naval Institute, 1970Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 03=355 WED] (1).
Naval aviation / W. W. Warlick
by Warlick, W. W | Grant, V. F. Publisher: Annapolis : United States Naval Institute, 1929Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 623.74-W 253] (1).
Naval Aviaútion
by Warlick, Lieutenant. Publisher: Annapolis United Staútes Naval Institute 1925Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 358.4-W 253] (1).
Boat-book : United States Navy
by United States Navy. Bureau of Navigation. Publisher: Annapolis Naval Institute 1913Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 629.12-U 58bo] (1).
Ship and gun-drills
by United States Navy. Publisher: Annapolis : Naval Institute, 1905Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.54-U 58-1905] (1).
Ship and gun-drills
by United States Navy. Publisher: Annapolis ; Naval Institute, 1907Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.54-U 58-1907 ] (1).
The Ship and gun drills : U.S. Navy 1914
by United States Navy. Publisher: Annapolis : Naval Institute, 1914Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.54-U 58-1916] (1).
Naval Ordnance : a text book prepared for the use of the midshipmen of the united States Naval Academy /
by United States Navy. Publisher: Annapolis : United States Naval Institute, 1925Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 623.4-U 58 1925] (2).
The oscillations of ships = Oscilaciones de los buques
by United States Naval Institute. Publisher: Washington United States Naval Institute 1902Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 629.123-U 58os] (1).
New naval phraseology in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German [and] Portuguese / Department of foreign languages, U.S. Naval academy.
by United States Naval Academy. Department of Languages | United States Naval Institute. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Annapolis, Md. : The United States Naval Institute, 1944Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: (038)355-UNI] (1).
Manual of athletic requerimentes = Manual de requerimentes atléticos
by United States Naval Academy. Publisher: Maryland United States Naval Institute 1936Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.233-U 58ma] (1).
Radio manual for the instruction of midshipmen = Manual de radio para la instrucción del navegante
by United States Naval Academy. Publisher: Annapolis United States Naval Institute 1934Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 621.396-U 58ra] (1).
The Marine Officer's Guide = La guía del oficial de Marina
by United State. Navy. Publisher: Annapolis United State Naval Institute 1956Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.213-U 58ma] (1).
Naval Phraseology in english, french, spanish, italian, german, portuguese
by U.S. Naval Acáademy. Publisher: Annapolis United States Naval Institute 1957Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 03=6-U 58] (1).
Airplanes, airships, aircraft engines = Aeroplanos, dirigibles, motores de aviones
by Tucker, Albert. Publisher: Annapolis The United States Naval Institute 1921Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 621.431-T 888] (1).
Anti-access warfare : countering A2/AD strategies
by Tangredi, Sam J. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Annapolis, Maryland : U.S. Naval Institute, c2013Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 355.43- TAN] (1).
The three-mile limit of territorial seas / Sayre A. Swarztrauber
by Swarztrauber, Sayre A | Maryland. Naval Institute Press. Publisher: Maryland : Naval Institute Press, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 341.225-S 111] (1).
Naval Science
by Sundt, Wilbur A. Edition: 7a ed.Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1980Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 359(73) SUN Tomo 1] (4).
A manual of international law for the use of naval officers = Un manual del derecho internacional para el uso de oficiales navales / C. H. Stockton
by Stockton, C. H. Publisher: Annapolis : Naval Institute, 1917Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca del Centro Naval [Call number: 341-S 866] (1).